Whole Cow, With Freezer and Delivery!
Buy a Cow, We'll Handle the Dirty Work
Whole Cow with Freezer Delivered Direct To your Door! Buy a Whole Cow From One of Our Local Partner Ranches in Texas. Pasture Raised, Grass Fed and Grain Finished For Ultimate Meat Quality and Flavor. Always Antibiotic and Steroid Free. Get Meat With The Assurance of Ultimate Traceability!
Ease of Affordability with Shop Pay or Afterpay at Checkout!
A Whole Cow Breaks Down to Approximately the Following:
Sirloin steaks – (30) 10 oz cuts
Roasts – 5 (chuck and rump) they are about 4-5 lbs each, sometimes a little bigger sometimes a little smaller depending on the steer.
Ground beef- (250) 1 lbs packs of ground beef
Filet – (12) filets 8oz packs
Ribeye (25) cuts of bone-in about 16 oz
NY Strips – (22) cuts in 10oz packages
Brisket – (4) cuts of ½ briskets, we trim and cut them in half for a total of about 20-22 lbs.
Round Steak – (38) pieces, we put two 8oz tenderized cutlets per 1 lbs. package
Flank/Skirt – about 4 lbs roughly
Roughly 400 lbs. Delivered to your door.